by the way

by the way

At Spa Mobile, we’re proud of our team of highly qualified and certified massage therapists who have undergone rigorous training and continue to keep abreast of the latest techniques and industry advances. Our therapists are here to offer you personalized treatments tailored to your needs. We believe in a warm, welcoming environment where our customers feel comfortable and cared for. Spa Mobile
Girls LiveX

Spa Mobile is an Internet site that allows you to discover massage at home.

Many people do not know about this service and how a home massage helps relieve stress while making it a supportive and enjoyable activity.

Since 2015, we have focused on serving couples and families with children, not forgetting individuals of all ages, the elderly, and athletes.

Over 60% of our clients have insurance receipts that help them finance our massage therapies for adults and their children.

Although massages are not usually intended or suitable for children, they can all be easily performed at home. Children love home massages because they reduce their anxiety. A massage also helps them fall asleep faster, reduces stress, helps them concentrate at school, and gives parents a break.


How did our business start?

Your selection criteria increase when you are in pain and need competent help; at that moment, you begin to notice and realize that many so-called massage therapists are a little less qualified if not downright helpless and incompetent, healers.

To support these statements, here are some observations and indisputable facts that demonstrate many problematic situations in the field of massage therapy:

The absence of unique and different solutions in the offers offered by massage therapists;

  • Websites that put importance on appearance without relevant content instead of better informing people to make a free and informed decision;
  • The frustration of patients in wasting their time, money and patience by constantly changing massage therapists;
  • Large number of massage therapists who hurt patients while trying to convince them that it is excellent for their well-being;
  • The concerns of patients about certain professionals who promise beneficial results without really being able to give them satisfaction;
  • Fear to question the lack of responsibility of some massage therapists;
  • Several patients complain that some massage therapists do not listen to their complaints their desires and focus on the techniques learned;
  • The habits of some massage therapists to denigrate traditional medicine to justify their questionable techniques and their absurd spiritual beliefs;
  • Many massage therapists say they are all professionals with good practices, and yet, many of them take advantage of the innocence of patients who trust them;
  • Some massage therapists prefer patients with insurance and neglect those who do not because it is easier to prolong unnecessary sessions without the desired results.
  • Massage therapists who avoid serving older people on the pretext of unfounded justifications and thus demonstrate the absence of passion in what they do and the lack of compassion towards people.


You deserve much better than this!


The creation of our unique marketing solution

This situation is a great opportunity for us to become aware of the fundamental problems that patients experience in massage therapy because we can truly offer something beautiful and unique for you.

In truth, what is the use of adding thousands of solutions if, in a sense, we forget to act on what gives rise to the problems and what helps to recreate the same regrettable conditions in all unconsciousness?

Spa Mobile offers unique and different services because that is what you are.


The four unique differences that Spa Mobile offers


1. Home massages according to your condition


Relaxation massage, About Therapeutic massage Deep tissue massage

Sports massage Reflexology massage Lymphatic drainage

Massage sitting on a chair Facial


2. Quick, efficient and deposit-free booking

No one likes messy planning or forgotten reservations. We have a very efficient system for making appointments. We immediately know where the massage therapist is by GPS. This allows you to ensure that everything is well organized and that no unforeseen events disturb your schedule.

In addition, you only pay after the massage therapy session, so you never have any doubts about the services received.


3. No promises, only results

To satisfy you, we need to listen to your concerns first, not recreate the same problems you have experienced with other therapists. Please look at your pain and the areas where it is located. We also need to ask you questions to understand your habits and desires.

Although the results are generally a feeling of well-being in your body and a quiet thought in your mind, you also have some responsibility for these results. Ensuring your results without having complete control over your thinking is a false promise.

In other words, we put our energies into what we can control, and this is not a promise but a commitment to do you good.


4. Passionate and attentive massage therapists

Too often, massage therapists use the word professional to show patients how skilled they are and that they are right. They are dividing the relationship instead of uniting it. To divide the relationship between who is right and who is wrong. How can this kind of person move in his consciousness with a closed mind like an oyster?

It is good to be professional. However, this deep habit hides two fundamental elements of a person’s work: passion and compassion.

Our massage therapists are passionate about what they do, and they all have the necessary certification and experience in massage therapy. We focus on passion first because massage therapy includes love in its work. A professional is often someone qualified but without passion. It’s a job for him to earn a living.

However, there needs to be more passion in relationships. Compassion is the second essential element.

Compassion cannot exist without passion. Someone with compassion is attentive to what others are going through because they are attentive to what they are experiencing themselves. Compassion is not about forgetting oneself for others but about including oneself among others. Compassion is an overwhelming enthusiasm for one’s feelings and those of others.

Passion for oneself is the key that opens the door to compassion for others.

On the contrary, the professional closes the doors of good relationships by seeking to be correct, which comes from a fear of losing face and reacting by seeking to prove others wrong, therefore, an absence of compassion. And often, this absence is seen through the sweetest words!


About Spa Mobile - Who are we?About the Founder

Hello, my name is Claudia. I’m a massage therapist with a passion for my work.

Since 2015, I’ve been the founder and president of Spa Mobile. This revolutionary business model brings professional-quality relaxation therapies directly to our customers.

As well as providing essential services, I oversee all aspects necessary for Spa Mobile’s success. Sales, social media, human resources and corporate strategy are all challenges I face every day, with one goal in mind:

We will continue to offer incredible experiences to our customers and guarantee massage therapists an essential income in their sometimes difficult and uncertain self-employed profession.

The best part of my job is finding little ways to satisfy our customers. I’ve been known to add a personal touch, like unique gift cards or favourite fragrances.

I also answer all your calls and messages, whether by SMS, social networks, or e-mail. I’m here to answer all your needs and questions and ensure you have an incredible experience with us!

Yes, I contact each of you by SMS after your massage to get honest feedback and ensure you get a quality massage service, but more importantly, a quick response from me.

My aim is simple: to bring all my customers joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

Thank you for choosing Spa Mobile, and I look forward to serving you with unwavering dedication and commitment.


Home massage therapy