Tired and bored of enduring your chronic muscle pain? Are you desperate to live with poor posture? Do you often suffer from a stuck sciatic nerve? Do you have deep wounds in your soft tissue? You are not alone in experiencing these unwanted situations; millions of people grapple with these often unbearable pains. However, you are different, and you want to decide not to develop or intensify the consequences, which can worsen. At Spa Mobile, we want to understand your restrictive situation so we can offer you a deep-tissue massage service that addresses your concerns or physical aches and pains in order to live healthier.
Deep tissue massage uses firm pressure
Deep-tissue massage is very similar to therapeutic massage, which is used for chronic pain in a specific part of the body and without too much firm pressure. However, deep tissue massage is often recommended for people who engage in high-intensity physical activities. Therefore, a massage therapist often sees patients who present with injuries related to their activities. Deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure and slow movements to reach the deeper layers of the muscles and the connective tissues surrounding the muscles. For those who regularly engage in intense physical exercise several times a week, such as jogging and swimming, a deep tissue massage is advised every two weeks to prevent and reduce tension in the muscles. Sessions usually last around 90 minutes. Most deep tissue massages focus on major muscle groups such as the neck and lower back. For example, the massage therapist targets stress-bearing areas such as the shoulders, neck and hips.
What are the benefits of deep-tissue massage?
Deep-tissue massage offers both physical and psychological benefits. Unlike other relaxation-oriented massage techniques, deep-tissue massage helps treat muscle pain and improve stiffness. But it can also help you relax mentally. A recent study of 59 participants found that deep-tissue massage helped reduce pain in chronic low-back pain sufferers. The authors compared its effects to those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. People have also reported that deep tissue massage helps against :
- Sports injuries;
- Fibromyalgia;
- Plantar fasciitis;
- Hypertension;
- Sciatica;
- Tennis elbow
Is deep-tissue massage always painful?
No, deep-tissue massage is not always painful. Some people really enjoy deep bodywork. For others, however, there will be some discomfort during treatment. It’s important to understand that there’s a difference between pain and this type of discomfort. As your massage therapist is not a psychic, it is essential that you contact her if your pain becomes intolerable. The massage therapist will probably monitor you throughout the treatment, but she cannot predict the changes you will feel as she moves along your body. Some areas may cause intense pain or discomfort with light effort, while others can be worked with great force and no pain at all. Try not to feel inhibited when talking to your massage therapist about your feelings. She will be totally open to adapting the treatment to meet your wishes. Deep breathing helps many people to consciously release the tension they carry. This can also help avoid the tendency to tense up in response to applied pressure.
What does our deep tissue massage consist of?
Our deep-tissue massage begins with gentle pressure to warm the muscles. The idea of pressure to reduce knots and adhesions is probably why most people compare deep tissue massages to relaxing massages. Then our home massage therapist begins to use specific techniques. The movements commonly used for deep tissue massage are friction and stripping or curettage. Friction is applied by pressure across the muscle’s grain, while stripping is applied by deep pressure down the length of the muscle with an elbow, knuckles, or thumbs. It is not uncommon for people to experience discomfort during deep tissue massage and even after. This discomfort is due to the breaking of muscle tension, the opening of adhesions, knots, and scar tissue degeneration. You should also drink plenty of water after deep tissue massage, as this helps flush out the lactic acid that builds up in the tissues of the body, relieving some of the pain. To find out if a deep-tissue massage is for you, we invite you to discover if you have any concerns or conditions that may require this type of massage.
Those for whom massage is not suitable
Due to the intensity and pressure of this treatment, it is not suitable for everyone. Those who have blood clots or are taking blood-thinning medications should avoid deep tissue massage, as strokes can cause the clots to dislodge. If a person with clots wants deep tissue massage, they should consult their doctor before continuing with this type of massage therapy. Some have recently recovered from surgery or recent chemotherapy, which should also see a doctor. Deep tissue massage can be beneficial for people with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, but they should always consult their doctor before undergoing this treatment. In addition, you should avoid using this high-pressure technique directly on an area with rashes, healing wounds, tumours, hernias, etc. Moms-to-be should also avoid deep tissue massage. Instead, they can opt for pregnancy massages.
Do you have chronic muscle pain?
Chronic muscle pain can be reduced by massage, and to qualify as chronic, your pain must last 12 weeks or more. Deep tissue massage is particularly effective in alleviating your chronic back pain and neck pain. Because back pain and neck pain are part of a wide range of painful conditions, deep tissue massage is often considered part of the healing process. The most common causes of your chronic muscle pain are injury or long-term illness. Your chronic pain can occur in any part of your body and increase stress, anxiety, and sometimes depression. A deep tissue massage aims to disrupt your pain cycle to reduce and relieve any pain and prevent it from recurring. Our massage therapists at Spa Mobile use deep-tissue massage for your chronic muscle pain, to free your body from severe muscular tension.
Are you living with deep wounds in your soft tissues?
Deep-tissue massages are even more effective than conventional massages because of the level of pressure. This technique can reach scars deeper in the body, which damages muscles, ligaments or tendons. Soft tissue injury is an umbrella term for injuries primarily affecting muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Injuries to these structures account for the majority of musculoskeletal injuries. If you ignore the swelling and pain associated with these injuries, it can lead to more serious problems. Deep tissue massage therapy is a treatment that can help relieve pain from soft tissue injuries and speed up your recovery. There are five deep-seated injuries that affect ligaments, tendons and muscles: 1. bursitis: Commonly recognized as swelling around the joints, bursitis is caused by overuse of a particular joint.
Left untreated, it can lead to immobility of the affected joint; 2. contusion: a bruise, which is caused by damage to the tissue under the skin; 3. sprain: occurs when ligaments are overstretched.
There are three degrees or grades of sprain: first, second and third; 4. Tension: This is like a sprain, but with the same classification. It affects muscles and tendons. Ignoring strains and sprains can lead to more pain; 5. Tendonitis: This is overuse of the tendons, causing pain and swelling. If left untreated, surgery may be required. Our conservative, non-invasive massage therapy procedures are the ideal choice for treating your soft-tissue injuries. Massage therapy is an important step for faster healing. Deep soft tissue massage is the best option for targeting injuries in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The depth to which our massage therapist will go depends on the type of injury and the treatment plan chosen. Depths and pressure may vary. Our massage helps you relax your muscles, which helps relieve pain and relieve muscle tension. It increases circulation, which reduces swelling. This relief helps prevent soft tissue pain and increases flexibility of movement while promoting faster healing of soft tissue injuries.
Do you have bad posture?
Poor posture occurs when your spine is positioned in an unnatural way in which the curves of your spine are accentuated, increasing the stress on your joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. This prolonged poor positioning results in a buildup of pressure in your surrounding soft tissues. For most people, we spend many years of our lives sitting and leaning forward in our studies, jobs, and the way we drive a car and sit down to eat. This helps to create a huge impact on our body, creating various muscle imbalances. When you lean in front of a desk, your body is not properly aligned, forcing some muscles to work incredibly hard all day while others weaken. Sitting in the same position for an extended period of time causes your muscles to shorten, lengthen, and even reshape. This then causes muscle imbalances allowing your body and muscles to be pulled into bad posture. Lower back pain is the most common complaint, but research shows that neck, shoulder and arm pain is increasingly common due to postural dysfunction. Our deep tissue massage is a form of soft tissue relaxation consisting of a manual approach to the hands to relieve the stress and tension that builds up in the soft tissues of your body after being put into a tense position. With deep pressure reaching and stretching deep muscle fibers and producing increased blood flow to the muscles, the overall aim of deep tissue massage is to reduce pain and increase your range of motion.
Are you going through pain in your sciatic nerve?
Sciatic pain is a common condition along the sciatic nerve, which runs through the lower back, buttocks, hips, legs and feet. As the longest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve is responsible for controlling the function of the legs, such as the ability to stand and walk. When your sciatic nerve is irritated, it can cause mild symptoms like numbness, weakness, and tingling in the lower extremities. The discomfort of sciatica often targets one side of your body and becomes more evident when sitting and standing or when coughing and sneezing. In more severe cases, sciatica symptoms can range from uncomfortable to painful, with stinging or stabbing sensations restricting daily activities. Rarely do you need immediate medical attention? However, symptoms of sciatica should be evaluated following injuries or accidents. Sciatic nerve pain can interfere with your daily activities, and if you’d like to try an alternative to traditional painkillers, deep-tissue massage can help bring you temporary relief, but it doesn’t treat the underlying cause of your sciatic pain.
Are there any side effects with deep tissue massage?
It’s not uncommon to experience persistent pain for a few days after a deep-tissue massage. Using a heating pad or a cold compress wrapped in a towel can help relieve pain. Although massage therapy is generally safe, deep tissue massage uses very firm pressure and may not be safe for everyone. Talk to your doctor before receiving a deep tissue massage if you :
- Have a history of blood clots or bleeding disorders;
- Take blood thinners;
- Suffer from a coagulation disorder;
- Have cancer or are undergoing cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Anyone with osteoporosis or cancer that has spread to the bones should avoid deep-tissue massage, as the firm pressure used can cause a fracture. You should also avoid deep-tissue massages if you are pregnant. More gentle types of massage, such as Swedish massage, may be a better option. If you have an open wound or skin infection of any kind, you’ll need to reschedule your appointment to avoid developing a new infection or aggravating an existing one.
Choose a unique deep tissue massage with Spa Mobile
Deep-tissue massage therapy offers pain relief and improved movement if you suffer from chronic muscle pain. It reduces the risks associated with other treatment options like addiction, stress, and surgical complications. We invite you to make an appointment with one of our massage therapists for a deep-tissue massage session.