Most of us were fit and healthy in our younger years. Still, without realizing it, we were conditioned to emulate our predecessors and developed the same habits that created painful consequences.
Worse, this way of living has created deep beliefs that don’t work for our well-being. You have to look at our entire population to see the effects without passing judgment.
One of those deep beliefs is to wait until you have chronic pain to react and do something, instead of taking care of yourself, so to act while all is well!
Unfortunately, solving your chronic pain, which has developed over a long period, with quick solutions only worsens your condition despite temporary relief because you do not act on the process that gives birth and gives birth to your pain. Chronic.
Good news! If you want a temporary solution to relieve your pain, it is outside of you, but it is both outside of you and inside you if you are looking for a permanent solution.
What exactly do you want?
The first thing to consider is always knowing what you desire, and there is nothing selfish about it.
On the contrary, selfishness is not putting your desire ahead of others but not knowing what is best for you as a personal desire. So, the greatest form of selfishness is to show that you are doing it only for others and that you are not doing anything for yourself, that you forget yourself by believing that this is a great virtue.
In truth, everything you do and without exception, you do it for yourself because that is your only motivation. Even if people say it is for the good of others, they do it first for them, without realizing it, to try to look good so as not to be made guilty for wanting to think of them.
A conscious and evolved person knows perfectly well that it all begins with a painful sensation that motivates him to realize a personal desire. So, if you have chronic pain, the first question to ask yourself to know your desire and intention is this:
Do you want to have temporary relief or to have both temporary relief and permanent healing?
What is pain?
First of all, it is important to realize what pain is.
No sane person can afford to deny or assert if another person is in pain. Each of us knows what our own pain is. And yet, how many parents have done the exact opposite with their children?
As if it was good to endure the pain, to repress it, to hide it and thus help to create pain that could become chronic through the fear of being called whiners, of being ridiculed or of being judged by guilt.
Pain is our body’s natural way of communicating to tell us that there is something wrong. It is a means by which the protective systems of our body protect us. Danger detectors in our body send information to the brain, which may or may not create pain depending on all the other information available and previous experiences.
Hazard detectors alert us when tissue is approaching its safe limit, so most preventative pain is tissue damage. When tissue is damaged, hazard detectors become much more sensitive. Psychological and social factors and past experiences can strongly influence the sensation of pain through complex mechanisms in the brain.
What is chronic pain?
Persistent or chronic pain usually lasts more than three months or beyond the normal healing time of the tissues and usually involves the pain system becoming overprotective.
This is a common and complex condition, and the pain you feel can be mild to severe. The defining characteristic of chronic pain is that it is continuous and felt most days of the week. It can result from injury, surgery, musculoskeletal conditions or migraines. In some cases, there may be no apparent physical cause, such as chronic stress.
Acute or short-term pain responds to damaged tissue and usually goes away once the tissue has healed. Chronic pain is more complex and can result from damage to body tissues caused by acute or chronic disease or changes in the nerves or nervous system that cause the nerves to continue to report pain after the disease has healed.
This means that you can feel pain even when your tissue is really healthy. This happens because, like any other function of the nervous system, the pain system can learn over time to be more effective at protecting a certain part of the body. The influence of social and psychological factors generally becomes greater with chronic pain.
Since many factors affect pain, there are several things you can do to change the pain.
Recognize that pain is more than a physical sensation, but that it is influenced by sleep, exercise, your general health, your attitudes, your beliefs, your mood, your environment and the people around you means that all of these things can provide you with new and better ways to change your pain, moment to moment and over time.
Who are our chronic pain guides?
We have presented you with many guides regarding chronic pain or ailments to become aware of temporary solutions to get quick relief and permanent solutions to free yourself from it using your creative power permanently.
What is your power of creation?
Few human beings are aware of their creative power, for no teacher, politician, leader, leader, or parent is aware of their own creative power.
This power of creation consists of 3 tools that we all received at birth in order to achieve by free choice, the desires of our soul or by forgetting the desires of our soul:
1. The power of thought: To align our desired desire with our goal to be accomplished
2. The power of speech : To declare our intention (desire and goal) and our commitment in writing
3. The power of action : To act in an orderly fashion about what works and what doesn’t in order to accomplish our goal
These three powers together help to create the desired desire.
How does our power of creative work?
Our power of creation works in 4 precise steps:
Our choice of creation is presented in only one way. Consciously according to the desire of the soul or unconsciously against the desire of the soul.
In truth, our soul indicates its desire to be without imposing it on our mind, for its nature is the freedom to allow us to choose what we want to create or recreate to achieve our desire.
Thus, our soul indicates its desire in the form of a feeling of being or a physical sensation. Then our mind chooses its creation, taking into account the desire of our soul or, in most cases, without taking into account the desire of our soul.
If what I feel is right, this is my truth about who I am and choosing to create from this truth consciously will produce happy consequences in my life and the lives of others if I have become aware of their souls before doing so. Something.
If what I feel is wrong, this too is my truth about who I am not and creating from this truth will produce unfortunate consequences in my life and the lives of others if I have not realized their souls before. To do something.
Therefore, I feel bad must exist, for in the absence of it, I cannot know what I am by choice.
In other words, darkness must exist for light to exist, for in the absence of choice, no free choice is possible.
By accepting and understanding my state of evil or my pain without doing anything, without running away from it, that a higher choice comes into existence in my mind to free myself from my problems or my pains by using the 3 tools of creation that I received at birth.
Thoughts are ideas formed from energies released according to a concept, point of view, visualization, intuition or imagination. Everything that we observe in the physical world, everything that is real, comes from someone’s thoughts.
The soul indicates a truth, a feeling or a sensation, but it does not impose its desire on thought, for its nature is freedom and does not need anything to exist.
In many cases, a bad feeling or a physical pain is indicated, but the thought reacts to what it already knows instead of accepting and choosing a new meaning, a new goal to accomplish, a new creation.
Therefore, we often experience the same problems or the same chronic pains, and we refuse to believe that we created them; we deny full responsibility for our creative power.
Nothing exists in our world that did not originate from a pure thought form. Thought is the first level of creation. And this thought is, very often, trapped in deep beliefs imposed or conditioned by others.
It is the imagination or perception that allows us to see a process of creation in motion according to a goal to be accomplished. Still, we have been conditioned to believe that reason and memory are the highest forms of thought.
Nothing is further from the truth!
In fact, reason and memory are only data storage, like a computer hard drive that has no power to create new but to keep repeating the same known past.
The next level of creation is the spoken word or the written word. The great part of the thoughts ends up forming written or oral words.
By this extra level of thought energy, the written or verbal word is pushed, expressed in our world where it can be noticed by other people or used to design a written plan to commit to taking action seriously.
Everything we say or write is an expressed thought. She is creative and sends creative energy into the universe. Words or writings are more creative than thought because they constitute a higher level than thought. They disturb, change and affect our relationships and creations with more influence.
A written action plan is the best way to motivate yourself to take action and change actions that don’t work with other new action ideas that might work, but they need to be experienced to validate their success.
Very few people and even leaders understand the importance and usefulness of a written action plan, and it is a root cause of failure in all areas of life.
To produce a result, material or physical manifestation, we must put into action, put in motion the thoughts and the words or the writings.
I can think of myself as a fit person and tell it to others, but I only have unapplied knowledge without a gesture, so no wisdom or awareness about it.
The world is full of these types of people who seek to look good with words and not to be true in thought, word and deed. What consistency is!
Actions are words in movement, energy in movement, therefore an emotion that is expressed.
When we create consciously using these three tools of creation, we produce a complete experience and experience a new feeling in the soul or a new physical sensation.
The soul wants to feel, to know itself through its own experience, therefore from a choice of conscious desire, not from unconscious obedience.
So what we think, but never speak, creates on some very mixed level. What we think and speak creates on another, somewhat higher level. What we think, talk about or write about, and do is manifested in our reality.