ways to ruin a good massage

Why not make the most of a massage by relaxing for longer after an in-home session?

If you receive or have received regular massages, you know from experience just how much good they do, and how to make the most of them.

But if at-home massage therapy is something new to you, then you might like to feel all the well-being it brings.

So, it would be wise to know 6 ways that could ruin a good massage:


6 ways to ruin a massage!

  1. You must leave the session immediately. You may be surprised at how quickly a 60 or 90-minute massage session can be completed, as your body and mind relax into an almost asleep state. But in a massage therapy center, there’s often a client who has an appointment after you, so you have to leave quickly. At home, you can enjoy the massage to the full.
  2. Conversation or silence! There’s nothing wrong with talking to your massage therapist. Some people may even find it helps them relax, but for others, silence is an important thing to relax and calm the mind. If you appreciate the quiet, your therapist will also understand that what you want is silence, and so avoid talking.
  3. Music and noise. Atmosphere is purely subjective, and some people prefer complete silence. Be sure to tell your massage therapist what you like, so that you don’t torture your ears and mind with distracting music or sounds.
  4. Don’t say what you want. Your massage therapist is an expert in the field of massage and can guide you in terms of treatment. However, if you want a really firm massage, hate being touched anywhere, or something hurts, then you should communicate this information to your massage therapist before or during the treatment.
  5. Don’t drink too much water. Always drink plenty of water after a massage therapy treatment. A session lasting more than 60 minutes will leave your body dehydrated from the heat produced, and the effects of the massage also help to eliminate toxins.
  6. Get back to work. It may be inevitable to return to work after a massage, but what we’d really like you to do is make the most of your massage therapy session. It’s best not to go for a workout immediately after a massage, or to go out shopping. Enjoy your massage in the comfort of your own home!


Choose massage therapists who are attentive to your situation.

If you want a unique massage to relax or free yourself from your pain, discomfort, pain or suffering, isn’t it wise and sensible to turn to massage therapists who know what you are doing? Live?


Home massage therapy

ways to ruin a good massage

ways to ruin a good massage

At Spa Mobile, we’re proud of our team of highly qualified and certified massage therapists who have undergone rigorous training and continue to keep abreast of the latest techniques and industry advances. Our therapists are here to offer you personalized treatments tailored to your needs.

ways to ruin a good massage

ways to ruin a good massage

At Spa Mobile, we’re proud of our team of highly qualified and certified massage therapists who have undergone rigorous training and continue to keep abreast of the latest techniques and industry advances. Our therapists are here to offer you personalized treatments tailored to your needs.

ways to ruin a good massage

ways to ruin a good massage

At Spa Mobile, we’re proud of our team of highly qualified and certified massage therapists who have undergone rigorous training and continue to keep abreast of the latest techniques and industry advances. Our therapists are here to offer you personalized treatments tailored to your needs.

ways to ruin a good massage

ways to ruin a good massage

At Spa Mobile, we’re proud of our team of highly qualified and certified massage therapists who have undergone rigorous training and continue to keep abreast of the latest techniques and industry advances. Our therapists are here to offer you personalized treatments tailored to your needs.