improve your back posture

It’s not a lack of movement that causes most back pain, but a posture that develops idle habits!

Most people will experience back pain at some point, so you must be careful about the posture you develop daily.

Sometimes, a slight, harmless movement can seriously injure your back.

However, changing your daily activities and habitual postures can significantly reduce the risk of injuring your back.

If you’re experiencing back pain or want to know what’s causing it, a home massage therapy service could greatly help. But in the meantime, here are 16 things you need to know to improve your back posture.


Seven general everyday postures

  1. Your spine: All spines have a hollow at the base of the neck and another in the lower back. Whatever you do, try to keep your spine in its natural shape.
  2. Lying in bed: When lying on your back, your bed should support your spine to maintain its natural curves. The mattress should be relatively easy to slide your hand down your back.
  3. Sitting: When you sit in a chair, your feet should be on the floor or a footrest, and your hips should be slightly higher than your knees. Try to sit for at most 20 minutes without getting up.
  4. Lifting and carrying: Avoid lifting heavy objects if you can. If the object is on the floor, bend your knees, not your back, and place it on your knee with your foot flat. Once you’ve lifted the object, keep your feet apart to help you keep your balance and get the load as close to your body as possible.
  5. Rest: Rest regularly during vigorous activities and maintain an excellent tolerance.
  6. Clothes and shoes: Loose-fitting clothes make it easier to bend your body. Wear shoes with soft soles and avoid high heels.
  7. Keep fit: Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles as they support you. Do some flexibility exercises to stretch your muscles and connective tissues. Jogging is a great way to keep fit.


Six postures for housework and gardening

  1. Washing dishes: Refrain from bending down when washing dishes. Instead, rest one foot on something in front of you for a few minutes, then do it with the other foot. You can also sit on a high stool.
  2. Ironing: Adjust the height of the board so you don’t have to bend over it.
  3. Vacuuming: Push your vacuum cleaner before you rather than pulling or pushing it from side to side.
  4. Making the bed: When making your bed, kneel on a cushion on top of the sheets. Lightweight sheets and comforters can make the job easier.
  5. Take something up: Use a ladder rather than stretching.
  6. Gardening: Gently stretch before and after your gardening activities. Bend your knees or use a tool to remove weeds. Use tools with long handles to prevent excessive bending.


Three postures at the desk and computer

  1. Sitting: Adjust your chair to support your lower back. Keep your knees level with your hips.
  2. Arms: Ensure your elbows are not in front of your body line when using your computer’s keyboard and mouse.
  3. Breaks: Get out of your office regularly for simple stretching exercises. You can try taking a short walk at lunchtime.


You can choose massage therapists who are attentive to your situation.

If you want a unique massage to relax or free yourself from your pain, discomfort, pain or suffering, isn’t it wise and sensible to turn to massage therapists who know what you are doing? Live?


Home massage therapy


improve your back posture

improve your back posture

improve your back posture

improve your back posture
